Mindfullness relaxation Roundwood House COuntry House Acommodation bed and breakfast holiday cottage

Mindfulness and mental wellbeing at Roundwood House

Mindfulness has been a thing for quite some time now, linked to people’s wellbeing and mental health.

It is all about living in the present, letting go of past worries and not allowing concerns about the future affect current feelings of calm and acceptance. In other words, mindfulness is all about learning how to feel happier and cope better with the stresses of life.

Finding things that help us relax, respond to challenges in a healthier way and feel at peace with ourselves.

Often, mindfulness can be easier in quieter places where there is less to distract us and tranquil, lovely surroundings to enjoy.

This is where Roundwood House can really come into its own. The glorious countryside that surrounds the house, not to mention the beautiful garden, friendly local animal population and peaceful library all offer ideal locations and ways to practise mindfulness away from the hurly burly of everyday life.

Meditations on nature

Nature offers so much material for meditation exercises. In good weather, you can meditate outside, breathing in the scents of nearby flowers and listening to the birdsong and gentle hum of bees.

By engaging all the senses, you employ your brain, rather than let it drift back to worrying about problems, challenges and to-do lists back home. Take a few breaths to centre yourself, get comfortable and focus on what you can see, hear, feel and smell all around you.

You can also do this while walking in the woods or Slieve Bloom mountains for an ever-changing set of stimuli to guide your thoughts.

Cloud spotting

This is a great way not only to reconnect with nature, but to look up at the sky to see beautiful sights that we can often miss during our daily lives. Clouds are constantly changing, forming patterns and creating shapes in the sky that, with a little bit of imagination, can be likened to familiar objects and animals.

Take time to lay on the ground, perhaps in Roundwood House’s secluded, peaceful garden – and see what clouds you can spot.

Watch as they drift across the sky and disappear.

Do this at different times of the day to enjoy the changing light and sky scenes as the day moves towards dusk and sunset. You could repeat the exercise when the stars come out too, so long as you wrap up against the night breezes.

Get lost in a book

If you would prefer to practise mindfulness indoors, or if the weather is less than ideal, the Roundwood House library is an ideal spot to get lost in a book. There are many titles to choose from, and comfortable chairs to curl up in. You can even order afternoon tea to enjoy during your reading session.

You don’t have to look at a book to enjoy the library. It is a quiet space to simply sit and meditate, or think about the lovely things you have done, or would like to do during your stay in Ireland.

However you choose to be mindful this Spring and Summer, Roundwood House is the ideal place to help you enjoy better mental wellbeing and a stronger, positive outlook for the weeks and months ahead.

If you want to find out more about Roundwood House or want to contact us about availability please use the form HERE

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Posted in Roundwood House News.